Girl Loves Food

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Smoothie Series: Kale with Raspberries & Avocado

The weather is getting nicer, which means great produce, more farmers market visits, oh, and bathing suit season. Let's focus on the former. Throughout this spring and summer, I'll be sharing easy and delicious homemade smoothie recipes. This particular smoothie is full of nutritious greens and protein. Enjoy!
Kale with Raspberries and Avocado

Serves 1

1 cup of almond milk
3 sprigs of kale
1/2 tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa
1/2 ripe avocado
1 handful of raspberries

Pour all of the ingredients in a blender and puree/liquify until desired consistency.

Helpful hint: make sure to check your teeth before leaving the house; this smoothie has the potential to get stuck in your teeth.